Wednesday, October 3, 2007

HW 16A Jezebel follows the principles

The blog I chose is Jezebel because the blog posts on there are very interesting. Some of the 20 principles this blog follows are principle 1: “tell the truth. The whole truth. Nothing but the truth. If your competitor has a product that’s better than yours, link to it. You might as well. We’ll find it anyway.” In this blog there are a lot of links and all the information is true and trustworthy. Also, Principle 2: “ Post fast on good news and bad…” this is shown a lot on this blog because they inform the reader with good and bad news. Some examples of the bad news are: Forever 21’s new clothing, and the information on Angelina and Brittany. Lastly, Principle 16: states “Never lie. You’ll get caught and you’ll lose credibility that you’ll never get back.” I feel like this web site is trust worthy, like I said, and I know they are following this principle because even if it’s just an opinion, they are still stating the truth, whether good or bad. One of the principles it may not follow would be principle 17: stating “If you have information that might get you a lawsuit, see a lawyer before posting…” I feel like this may not follow because some of the blogs are based on certain magazines and if the information in the magazines in false then the blogs could get caught by certain people for displaying false information, even though they might have stated it is false, or if they are just making fun of the person. I feel like blogs should follow these standards because it could run into issues if they all decide to just post and do whatever they want. Where this sort of sets some limits and guide lines.

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